Barbet Koi & Neo Mahler

Barbet Moderne och Vieux Griffon Barbet

Julljusen är alla tända!

Barbet Koi och Neo Mahler hälsar God Jul 2018.

Vår hälsning och tillönskan om en härligt stundande julefrid och ett inbjudande nytt år.
GOD JUL och Väl mött 2019!

Balanserat och verifierat

Yin och Yang i svart och vitt

Är det informatörer kring en ras som ska avgöra om rasen är något för mig eller inte? Hur ser den bedömningen ut om vi inte känner den egna rasen och inte heller individen som efterfrågar upplysning?

Att uppfödare väljer till vem de säljer är ett faktum som är helt förståeligt. Men när de som objektivt ska informera och tillhandahålla saklig fakta om en ras dessutom börjar värdera individen för rasmatchning, är detta ett högst besynnerligt tillvägagångssätt. Vilket syfte har informatören? Ges informationen för att generellt upplysa om en ras och dess särart eller för att förespråka och underlätta det senare urvalet för en uppfödare? Dumhet vet inga gränser men en rasklubb bör åtminstone känna till dem.

Borde vi inte lämna samma utrymme för valpköpare som för dagens uppfödare? Där var och en får och ges möjlighet att dra sina egna kloka och sunda slutsatser utifrån information som härrör från insamlad data?

Värdet och nyttan för mig och mitt skrivande är att respektera, vårda och värna hunden och dess arv, inte att snabbt skriva om historia och nutid utifrån människans tycke, smak och intresse. Stanna upp en stund och fundera över eget agerande. Tänk framåt och analysera. Det vi idag gör eller inte gör leder också till konsekvenser för morgondagens resultat. Sänk tempot i hela processen så att vi i tanklös iver hejdas för att hinna både lära och förstå innan dess att vi skrider till avgörande handling. Låt oss se mer av såväl fakta som den värdefulla och viktiga impulskontrollen.


What's in your cup?

Tant Gredelin och svarta pudeln Prick illustrerad på mugg


You mix a bit of both, add some milk and sell that beverage to me as it was coffee. I am not familiar to either of them so of course I believe you when you say you just sold me a cup of hot aromatic coffee. With time, knowledge and experience I learned how to recognize both coffee and tea well enough to separate them and their significant differences in taste and color. Even with milk I can now easily tell them apart. You just poured a ounce of coffee to the tea and blended it with milk. I now understand it was mostly tea and milk in the cup you sold to me. Of course, I am now interested to know, so I ask WHY you said it was coffee? If you say you knew and did it anyway, it is fraud. If you answer you didn’t know and thought it was, means you are as ignorant as I once was. Both answers mean I am fooled.

My difficulty is I now have a much too strong, big and heavy mixed rare dog (but - ohh sooo gorgeous and cute) than that specific long-haired, middle-sized, old and rare, rustic and balanced purebred I have been reading and asking questions about before buying my Barbet. For those of you responsible is the difficulty that you are not accurate by presenting the whole spectra of the breed Barbet, his tangled history and mixed presence, so that we can make our choices in awareness. But also to be prepared, considerate and understand many of the differences within today’s Barbet. We have to collect data, learn about facts to define the breed and express the goal to which we are working towards. Tell me, is it the old breed or the much later and taller modern one? Maybe you prefer today’s result, in its still increasing and now many variants? Not even a twenty year old mix between those two different breeds, there both types are rare and have been cross-bred to even more breeds.

We all like different so I don’t have a problem with what you choose or prefer so please do as you like. But IF you are to inform, guide and promote, breed and sell you have to show me the facts. We have to be both specific and truthful about a pedigree dog, his ingredients and your own intentions. Even if you are very skilled, experienced and have a clear goal towards a specific breed and a type there can still be unexpected results out of influences in many breeds within today’s Barbet. Which is most understandable IF we are aware about the facts we have to consider, deal and work with. Also helpful to know as to be prepared when it happens. The more we are informed and aware - the better we can cooperate towards a defined goal and a specific breed. Facts are a necessity and a sound platform to start a collaboration.

We learn how to define things so that we can be specific about what we mean but also to be understandable and clear and by that able to separate one from the other. If all are same same - why have a pedigree dog and a breed standard and a description at all? It is always an advantage and most helpful if I can rely on the information that coffee really is coffee. As it is to know the fact that tea and coffee are two distinct different products. Mix them if you like and enjoy, but if you are about to sell me your mix you better be specific about what’s in your cup!

A well researched story or a fairy tale?

This weekend it is Stockholm annual dog show. A big dog event to meet, show and compete but also to highlight and inform about our many different dog breeds, their heritage, function and well-being.

This year with a special historical theme of the Swedish children’s books author and illustrator, Elsa Beskow (1874-1953) and the little black Poodle named Dot, illustrated in her famous and lovely tale of Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender.

Aunt Lavender with black Poodle Dot, Elsa Beskow

To connect history into the present is a excellent way to inform and encourage learning. To define one breed from another is always very helpful. With many tales also stories easily gets mixed up…like that one behind the Barbet which often is confused with the history of the Poodle. Can You tell fairy tale from facts? Sort one from the other? I am still learning from another factual, well expressed and aware author and teacher. Communicate more and enjoy successful learning wherever you may be this very weekend filled with hope and wishes!

Below letter is written by Elaine Fichter in France and was adressed to Swedish dog show judges earlier this year. A letter to inform about the Barbet, his history and the mixed up present and gives a good overview to a complex background for all who share an interest and wants to learn for clarity and a greater understanding. Informative, explanatory and easy-to-understand.

Today’s sad fact is that influential people are aware but choose to stay silent and ignore the facts. Is it time to distinguish fairy tales from reality?

More about Elsa Beskow
More about the Barbet

The lovely mug above is from Elsa Beskow Collection, Design House Stockholm in which designer Catharina Kippel interprets not only Aunt Lavender but also many other well known motives from Elsa Beskow’s tales.

Sida 1 Barbet letter to judges, E Fichter.
Sida 2 Barbet letter to judges, E Fichter.
Historie en images

Sida 3 Barbet letter to judges, E Fichter
Sida 4 Barbet letter to judges, E Fichter
Sida 5 Barbet letter to judges, E Fichter

And last but not least a Birthday wish to a very special and dear girl,
Ermengarda aka Coccolina who is 14 years old today,


Coccolina firar sina 14 år i december 2018


Ljusglimtar i december?

December är här, med sina mörka sena morgnar och tidiga kvällar. Tiden är knapp och dagljuset kort. Vår utevistelse i naturens skog och mark, vid sjöar och hav är kylslagna och vindpinade oftast också mäktigt tungt blöta och därför inte längre lika inbjudande långa. Till vinterns tre månader är det skarpa kontraster när man tänker tillbaka på den gångna sommarens ljus och höga temperaturer. Här i vårt vilande decembermörker är således alla ljusa minnen som värmer, mycket välkomna!
Barbet Neo Mahler vid strandbryner i Yngsjö,